viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020



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Today I bring you a summary of all the new tools I have learnt through these months in the subject of ICT. To show you everything in a funnier way I have created a video with a presentation. 

In the video, I am going to show you the tools that I have learnt, my blog entries and my opinion about these resources. I have used Genially to create the presentation, Quicktime for recording the screen and my voice and IMovie for adding all the clips together.

Here is the video

I leave you here the presentation in case you want to see it better.

During this period, I have enjoyed making these tasks because I have learnt resources that are going to improve my way of teaching. From now on, I will try to create my lessons using the ICT resources that I have seen in this subject because some of them are very interesting.

I hope you liked my explanation! 
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miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020


Hello everyone to my new entry! Today I wanted to show you a tool called Flipgrip. It is good to know this resource for using it with your students. 

The video I shared in this app is my relationship with the music throughout my years. I have always liked the music and I thought it would be a good topic to talk about and share it. I found this task a little bit out of my comfort zone since I usually don´t share many things about myself. 

When you finish the video is recommendable that you copy the link and download the video in case you wanted to share it. If not you won´t be able to embed the video anywhere. I have had that problem and I can´t only share it this way. Here you have the video.

Link of my video:

Everybody can learn new things from others and this tool makes this possible. It lets you share stories and experiences with other people and in my view, that is really rewarding.

I hope you liked my new entry! :)                   
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lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020


Hello everyone! Today I bring you the finished video that I structured in the storyboard in the last entry. The video is called Finding Katherine.

  let's go to the movies 

Guiding ourselves with the storyboard we have created the video. This part has been a little more complicated due to the situation we are currently living. We used Skype putting the green screen as a background. María had to become different people, so we used Snap Camera, where you can find any kind of filters. Then, we recorded ourselves with QuickTime, scene by scene. When we finish recording, with iMovie, we put the background that we needed for each place and we joined all the clips. To finish, we used background music and effects that are free from iMovie. 

The objectives we want to achieve with this video is making students know some of the different countries of Europe and their capitals in Social Science. It could be used as an introductory video for a unit or for the end of a unit as a review. I would use the video in the lesson to show some support in a more visual way and for the students to enjoy and be more attentive.

I have found this task really interesting. It has been more difficult and it has made me spend a lot of time doing it. Nevertheless, I find this tool really useful for teaching new contents to the students. You always can create videos for explaining new topics and students will find it enjoyable.

I hope you liked the video and the new entry. 

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            hello friend

Hello everyone to my blog!

Today, I bring you a storyboard. What is a storyboard, you may ask? Well, a storyboard is a way of representing how a video will unfold step by step. For the creation of a storyboard will have to take into consideration the script, the characters, the background, etc. The use of the storyboard is mainly to organize our ideas, how we want our story to be. We have made this storyboard in order to afterwards convert it into a video. My next entry will be the video already done.

The storyboard I have created with two of my classmates is called Finding Katherine. The plot of the story is about a burglary who steals a painting from the D´Orsay museum. An inspector is called to trap the person who stole the painting. She goes through different capital of Europe and to know which capital is, some people will give her some clues.

Here is the link of the storyboard:

If you want to create a storyboard, I have used Storyboard That. With this tool, you can create any kind of story. You can choose your characters, how they are going to be dressed, their position what are they going to say, and the background. It is really easy and useful for creating content for your lessons.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2020


The podcast that I have created is a story. I am going to use it as an introduction of a unit.  In the podcast, it appears questions using have, and later students are going to see them in the unit as a grammar point. The competences that we could develop through this activity are linguistic and digital competence. Students will reinforce their listening.

Creating Process

First, I created the story in google docs. Below, you have the written document.


Secondly, I recorded my voice telling the story with a mixing console. Then,  for editing the audio I used Audacity. There I changed the voices, giving a high or low pitch. Also, I added the music and background noises from a soundbank.

Finally, I uploaded the podcast to my account of Soundcloud. I created the playlist where I am going to put all my podcasts for teaching. Here is the playlist:

Opinion about podcasts.
Creating a podcast for the students it´s a really hard working process, but it´s worth it if learners enjoy and learn from it. I will try to record more podcasts in the future to use them in my teaching lessons.

martes, 7 de abril de 2020


Pixton is the resource that I have used to make the comic below. It is a useful tool to create stories for students and at the same time children can make their own comic for any content.

I created a comic to show students the case when someone feels left out when making groups to work. You have to bear in mind how they might feel and that maybe he or she has aspects that you don´t know. These aspects could be the reason for the beginning of a friendship.

This resource is useful to create comics to explain contents. In my view, I prefer using comics to explain values to the children. In the activity, we will read together the comic. Then, we will draw conclusions and they will give their opinions.

One disadvantage of this tool is that the comics have to be really basic because for the 80% of things you have to pay.


I have created an infographic about artists of the XX century for the arts and crafts subject. This digital poster is made with Canva. I have been wanting to use this resource for a long time now. 

Canva is an amazing tool to create free digital posters. Once we choose a template we have plenty of options to help us to create creative designs, lines, shapes, icons or original illustrations. In addition, we will also have the option of incorporating and uploading the images that we have on our computer, as well as changing the text or the background that our design will carry.

The only drawback of this tool is that is not completely free, you need to pay for some options.

Using an infographic in class will help students to understand everything better and clearer. At the same time, it´s a funny and a ludic way of seeing any type of content. Usually, seeing theory in arts and crafts is a little boring so with this digital poster, we will get students attention.

Learn how to creae your own typeface, from start to finish. Ideal for beginners de Ana Muñoz


HELLO EVERYONE TO MY BLOG!  Today I bring you a summary of all the new tools I have learnt through these months in the subject ...